Lisa Frankel

Traffic Tickets Just Don't Work

A Ukrainian perspective on the American police system...

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I went to Boston last week to attend the Harvard Summer Institute on College Admissions. And the highlight of my entire week? Definitely my cab ride on the last day, when I was headed from Cambridge to South Station to catch my train home to Philly. Here’s what happened…

The cab pulled up to the entrance of the hotel, and . . .

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July 06, 2015

The American Passport

New Delhi, 2006 (re-edited in 2013)

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“That would fetch over a million rupees on the black market, you know.”

I glanced up at my friend Satnam in surprise. I was filling out my guest information in the hotel log book while I waited for him to come meet me to go out to dinner. I had been mentally salivating at the thought of an air-conditioned room. ‘Hot’ doesn’ . . .

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June 12, 2013


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