Lisa Frankel

Black Lives Matter

Thoughts after listening to a radio interview

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I sit here and I listen.

I listen to the news and I’m worried. Our country feels like it’s poised on some precipice; one that was supposed to have crumbled with Brown v. Board, and with the work of visionaries like Martin Luther King. But it never did go away, though the history books, (penned by white hands,) claim that it . . .

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November 03, 2015

Faith Knows No Boundaries

St. Louis, June 2002

“Honey, what is with all these other religions? Buddhist lamas, Baptist services….Are you shopping around for a new religion? We are Jewish!” My grandmother is worried. Although my studies of Buddhism last semester unsettled her, the church service put her over the edge. I reassured her as best as I could that I was, and always would be, a . . .

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April 24, 2002


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